Pomander - What's that?
Make A Pomader!

The word pomander comes from the French pomme d’ambre, meaning amber apple. Pomanders, small balls of perfume carried in a hinged metal case or aromatic spheres prepared with fruits and spices, had a dual purpose. In the seventeenth century they were used to prevent infection and spread of disease as well as being used to cover up unwanted odors. Pomanders were worn on a chain around the neck or tied at the waist.
You can bring wonderful scents into your home for the holidays with a homemade fruit pomander using only a few supplies:
1 orange
5-6 oz whole cloves
Ribbon (approx. 1 yard)
Push the cloves into the orange randomly or in a pattern. You can also cover the whole surface if desired.
Cut a piece of ribbon 34-38" long. Place the middle of the ribbon at the top of the fruit, and draw the ends down to the bottom. Cross and twist the ribbon and draw it back up to the top, just like you were tying a package. Tie into a bow at the top. You can secure the ribbon at the bottom with a dab of glue if needed. For a bit of “bling”, dab a bit of paint or glitter on the cloves.
Pomanders will last 4-5 days at room temperature. Place them in the refrigerator for longer life.
**If you want your pomanders to last longer, store in a paper bag for a few weeks. Use lots of cloves, which are a natural preserving agent. The cloves will draw out the juices and they'll shrink in size. Dusting with cinnamon helps, too, as cinnamon functions as an anti-fungal. Drying pomanders can help them to last for up to a year.
Photo Credit: asimojet/depositphotos