Mission Statement
The mission of Agecroft Hall & Gardens is:
To celebrate the unique history of Agecroft Hall from its roots in Tudor and early Stuart England through its evolution to a 20th century American country house.
In support of this mission, Agecroft Hall & Gardens is committed to:
Preserving the house, its artifacts, and the grounds, and to developing the collection and gardens to enhance the historical character and beauty of the estate
Offering innovative programming that engages, educates and entertains visitors of all ages
Connecting with the community in various ways that enhance the cultural life of central Virginia
Board of Directors
Joseph D. Thornton, President
Lunsford Johnson, Vice President and Treasurer
Karen Dunivan Konvicka, Past President
Andrea Fisher Erda
John Maser
H. Frederick Moore
David Nagle
Caroline Orlando
Dr. David Routt
Anne Kenny-Urban, Executive Director akennyurban@agecrofthall.com
Emily Cunningham, Business Manager ecunningham@agecrofthall.com
Katie Reynolds, Manager of Tour Services kreynolds@agecrofthall.com
Jill Pesesky, Curator of Education jpesesky@agecrofthall.com
Libby Howlett, Curator of Collections lhowlett@agecrofthall.com
Phil Wagner, Head of Horticulture pwagner@agecrofthall.com
& Maintenance
Sarah Yount, Marketing & Development syount@agecrofthall.com
Laura Purvis, Branding & Grants Coordinator lpurvis@agecrofthall.com